Symmetries of the Fall
Life is mystery.
My death
Is on the horizon
Like a smile.
Who can decode rain?
There is no return
Postage on
I wandered in circuits
Of dust
For years
Before a scarecrow
In the Midwest
Beckoned me
With a red flag.
I embraced it
Under the evening
And the yellow light.
And lo,
The “it”
Of the scarecrow
Became you
In my arms,
The way
A circle
Of feathers
A cardinal
In my dreams.
You placed a geranium
In my hand,
And I forgot
My emptiness,
My history.
We drifted into
A stand of elms,
Dark and quiet,
My questions
Took the form
Of songs
And the patience
In your eyes
Was the only
10 June 2023